Welcome to the 12 Days of Relaxation Savasana Challenge Day 6! We’re halfway there!!! I hope you enjoyed hanging out in the Manomaya Kosha yesterday 🙂.
Today we’re trying something called heart space breathing in a 12-minute rest. I’ve never taught heart-space breathing before, so I’m really excited to share it with you today. You can think of this as a world premiere of my version of this breath exercise 😂.
How to breathe in Savasana
There are many breath practices that will help you feel calm and at peace. Some of the more popular ones like Abdominal-Thoracic Breathing, Box Breathing, and the natural breath are all great options for the beginning of Savasana. Breathing, as a practice, is a great way to settle the body, energy, and mind. Once settled, however, its best to let the breath settle into its natural state without any manipulation or control. Ujjayi breathing, though quite popular in yoga studios, is not an appropriate breath for Savasana …