Queen’s Chair… (although I never called it that before and I like it!!) is literally my favourite pose in the world I think! Bold statement but it just makes feels like being held so lovingly. Love that you have brought in suggestions to other phases not just bleeding. I find my most discomfort at ovulation time since having children and the juicy gentle movement really does help. Gorgeous post. X

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How interesting, I've also found ovulation to be intense and often an uncomfortable time for me since having children. I wondered if something shifted for me hormonally from the pregnancies...

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Something I’ve been playing with (so far unsuccessfully, but I also haven’t been super intentional about it) is using the excess energy by turning it around and giving it away to others through acts of generosity. Especially with kids, I wonder if I can give some of that excess energy back to them to burn off some of the fire that normally drives me mad. But I also love just going inward and turning to books, nidra, gentle movements, breath work and rest.

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Oh ok! I tend to have a lot of 'fire' that gets pent up in my system. Thanks for this idea:). I also love going inward but sometimes find it hard if there is a lot of mental energy spinning my wheels.

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I’m not sure but a lot of people I speak to have experienced similar! I need to dig more into it. I wonder if it’s just that the ovulation energy is so outward and often comes with a desire to be creative usually but motherhood, particularly early motherhood, calls us to slower and steadier and more inward by its nature. Either way… physically I feel more uncomfortable in my body at ovulation… perhaps it’s even because I feel at home in my bleed because my natural state currently in this season is to be slow and inward… and so I give myself that. But in ovulation I’m still operating from needing to be expansive!! Thinking aloud on all of this!! X

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I love that Queen’s Chair is your favorite pose! That made me think that most of the time when people ask me my favorite pose I automatically think about physical asana. I need to recalibrate my thought process now to include all the restorative options when I answer that question!

And yes, ovulation is so tense for me too. It’s at this time especially that I turn to my restorative and nidra practices.

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Yes I think it can temper the buzzy fire that can come with ovulation time!

I think all of my favourite poses are now restorative! Also love a supported child pose and legs up the wall! Or a luscious long twist. Xx

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