New Moon Ritual Ideas for Inner Peace and Clarity
5 yoga practices to align your energy during the New Moon
Celebrating the New Moon with a custom ritual is the perfect way to honor your Self and align with the energy of natural cycles.
A recent subscriber’s comment (thanks
) reminded me that I hadn’t yet published the follow-up to my Full Moon Ritual post. I don’t want to leave you feeling imbalanced!Whereas Full Moon energy can be strong, powerful, transformative, animating, external and sometimes intense in its brightness, New Moon energy is softer, darker, and more inward. The Full Moon is a time for gathering, processing and sharing, embracing change, and being bold and brave (like in our monthly Full Moon yoga classes!). The New Moon is a time for quiet reflection and a different kind of courage that holds you as you journey inward.
Correlated with menstruation, the New Moon was historically considered a time for rest. I love cozying up for a nice restorative practice, a journaling session, or simply enjoying a cup of tea in silence around this time of the month. Even if you’re no longer menstruating, honoring the energies of the lunar cycle through ritual is a nice way to stay aligned with your own internal, feminine rhythms. Gather up your favorite candles, incense, books, journals, pens, tea/beverage, and/or treats and create a sacred space for your own custom New Moon ritual that honors rest, introspection, and peace. Pick and choose from the options below or do them all!
New Moon ritual practices
Right-nostril breathing
Lie down on your left side with support under your head (and possibly some type of support for your right arm)—pillows, folded blankets, or blocks/thick books work well. It might feel nice to keep a pillow or blanket in between your legs too. Close your left nostril with your your left thumb and inhale and exhale through your right nostril for a few minutes. This breathing pattern activates the pingala nadi, the energy channel in the body associated with active, solar energy. During the New Moon, the sun’s light is reflected off the side of the moon facing away from the Earth, causing the moon to appear invisible. Activating the solar channel in this breathing practice (the right side of the body) allows you to balance out the lunar energy (associated with the left side of the body) that dominates during this time in the moon cycle.
Yoni Mudra
This mudra is a wonderful way to welcome in feminine energy and align with the energies of the lunar cycle. Practicing this mudra can help you connect with qualities such as softness, quiet confidence, courage, beauty, and intuitive wisdom. Avoid this practice while you're menstruating.
Restorative Yoga
The advice that yoga can’t be practiced while you’re on your period is outdated. There are plenty of yoga practices that are perfectly safe and appropriate for you during menstruation, including restorative yoga. Try this “Sadhana for Rest and Replenishment” during the New Moon, regardless of whether or not you’re bleeding. Most of us don’t need to ask twice for a reason to rest. (And not one of us needs a reason at all.)
If you’re into writing, make time during or around the New Moon to consider the following reflection prompts. Light your favorite candle, meditate for a few minutes, and then grab your pen and journal. Create your space with sacred intention.
How can I rest more?
What is one thing I can let go of this week?
What in my life needs more feminine energy?
What am I grateful for?
New Moon Nidra
Listen to this New Moon yoga nidra practice and give yourself permission to rest deeply as you balance out the solar and lunar energies in your body, mind, and soul.
Your turn
Share your reflections from one of the contemplation prompts in the comments below or reply to this email and be sure to let me know all about your New Moon ritual!
Thank you for sharing! I don't know how I just saw this. I'm looking forward to trying this practice.