Looks like a very powerful practice. So many aspects to it. Such a tangible and beautiful way to note and experience each moment as process rather than as some sort of a set 'thing'. Thank you for this.

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It's the tangibility that has really helped me the most. Often it's hard for me to hold onto emotional/inner work but having the visual reminder of a process unfolding over months has been such a great reminder to get still and tune in.

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Beautiful! I'd never heard of a phenology wheel before, but I like the idea. Maybe I'll try it. Lately I've noticed a bit of unpredictability in the world around me (climate-wise) and also within me (am I approaching perimenopause, or maybe breastfeeding a toddler throws my cycles for a loop...). I track my cycles with the Clue app but have been considering moving to pen and paper format. I recently started taking the Love Your Cycle course through the Red School and it's great!

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You should definitely try it, though I’ll admit it took me years to actually start one. It will happen when the time is right 🙂 I can’t wait to hear more about the red school course!

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Yeah! I've just started it, but will let you know how it goes.

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