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Replay! May Full Moon Yoga Class: The Flower Moon

Bloom and rest with a flowery flow

Happy bloom season! I forgot to hit record when I was giving my little talk about this month’s Full Moon yoga class theme so I’ll recap it for you here. The Flower Moon is all about celebrating the bloom. What I’ve noticed from observing nature is that while the blooms are beautiful, they’re quite short-lived. It can take months for a flower to move through the bud-bloom phase. Blooming takes a lot of work and energy! There is a lot of preparation that goes into the bloom that isn’t always seen. Similarly, after the bloom, there is a lot of rest required before the hard work begins again for the next cycle ( at least with perennials). The students in class were observing that there are new blooms showing up—every plant (and person) is on their own timeline!

We move through cycles too. Sometimes we’ll be blooming, pulled to shine in the external world. But remember there is a lot of work and preparation that goes into that, and most of it isn’t seen. After wer’re done blooming, it’s time to rest. It reminds me of weddings. Everyone remembers the big day, but forget that a year’s worth of work often goes into planning those things. Then, the honeymoon is an opportunity for rest, a celebration of all the hard work that went into the wedding before the even harder work of building a marriage and family begins.

So go out there and bloom when you’re ready. But don’t forget to rest. The hard work for the next bloom is always just around the corner.

Here’s what you’ll do in this month’s class:

  • A breath practice combined with mudra that honors the entire bloom cycle

  • A flower-inspired flow with lots of options to get energy flowing

  • A nice Savasana with a little visualization to help you practice expanding and coming back inward

Take the class

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