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The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Yoga for Women's Wellbeing

Replay! September Full Moon Yoga Class

The Harvest Moon

Here’s what you’ll do in this month’s class:

  • Alternate Nostril Breath

  • Gentle, flowing movement

  • Restorative poses

  • Yoga Nidra honoring the harvest


  • A bolster/pillows, blankets, blocks will be nice for the restorative poses

  • Have some blankets and pillows handy for the nidra at the end of class

Journal prompts:

  • How have the values, dreams, and goals you’ve been focusing on this year grown?

  • What are you ready to harvest?

  • What do you need more of right now?

  • What do you have in abundance and can give away to others?

This post is for paid subscribers