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Full Moon Ritual

2 simple yoga practices to try

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Aligning your energy with the lunar phases is a powerful way to invite cyclical wisdom into your life, especially when you are disconnected from your individual cycles. Honoring the moon’s phases with yoga has helped me adapt my practice throughout the month to align my individual energy with the season’s collective energy. By doing so, I feel more present. The two yoga practices shared here will connect you with abundance and nourishment, qualities associated with the full moon.


Squatting can build flexibility, endurance, focus, and energy. This feminine-focused pose brings attention to the hips and pelvis, the area of the body associated with the second chakra’s watery qualities: creation and flow. Concentrate on your connection to the earth through your feet or the palms of your hands to ground you. Breathe deeply and smoothly throughout the practice. Build up to a five-minute hold over time. If an upright Malasana doesn’t work for your body try a restorative version like Queen’s Chair instead. Avoid upright squatting while you’re menstruating or during the New Moon—these are times for rest.

Breath of Fire/Kapalabhati

This misunderstood breathing technique is an energetic pick-me-up. It is a potent practice for harnessing full moon energy. When the light of the Full Moon is at its peak, solar energy is at its lowest point. The strong heat and energy created from Kapalabhati breathing is best engaged during this time. If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, or have glaucoma, practice a gentle Ujjayi breath instead. Play with Breath of Fire to match your own personal breath rate preferences. I prefer a slower approach. Practice three rounds of 18 breaths, resting between rounds.

These two techniques are fabulous additions to your yoga practice around the full moon. Practice them during the full moon and the first three days after the full moon, or while you’re ovulating.

Bonus practice: Moon Bathing

Perhaps the easiest and most enjoyable practice to celebrate the full moon is moon bathing. Get outside and smile at Mother Moon! Take a walk, sit, lay down, or simply stand and stare at the moon. In doing so you recognize the natural power of cycles, both outside and within you. The cycles of the celestial bodies mark the passage of days (Earth cycle), months (moon cycle), and years (sun cycle). Internally, your inner rhythms are marked by your monthly menstrual cycle and the milestones of youth, adolescence, young adulthood, your working years, your wisdom years, etc. By basking in the light of the moon you acknowledge the divine union between you and everything/everyone else in the universe.

Monthly full moon yoga classes

Join me for a monthly full moon yoga class honoring the specific energies of each month’s moon. Paid subscribers receive a discount code to register for free and receive the recordings. Hope to practice with you soon!

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